A Personality With Divergent Lessons - Mr. Rajat Mathur, MD @ Morgan Stanley - Rohit Sood

Anti-Social Media Challenge

Saturday, 10 September 2016

A Personality With Divergent Lessons - Mr. Rajat Mathur, MD @ Morgan Stanley

A Personality With Divergent Lessons
Today was another day on which, we were supposed to attend a Guest Lecture from a Managing Director Of Morgan Stanley, Mr. Rajat Mathur Sir. I was pretty excited for this interaction to begin. The Moment He started walking towards the stage, I was certain that I am going to learn something new today. Something that Yesterday could not teach me and tomorrow won’t. Hence, I was very attentive to listen to each word he use and the way he project himself.
He began his speech with a trick to involve the backbenchers in it and the way he did it, actually brought positive results for him. He was very clear about what and when he wanted to say. In addition, He told us the agenda of his speech from very beginning. Be precise, is what I have been listening from various people, He is the one who actually showcased its significance to me.
He continued with his speech and said that He will talk about Top 5 Answers that will answer most of our questions by the end of the session.
Few seconds later, he commenced with the list of 5 major lessons that he wanted us to remember:
1.      Life is not fair, you don’t have to care about it, because it is long and you have more than 35 years career ahead of you. (P.S. Stop Comparing Yourself with others.)
2.      You always have a choice: You may think that you didn’t have a choice but it is always you who preferred to implement the convenient choice as per the given situations.
3.      Worry about the things that are under your locus of control. (P.S. He gave an example of the situation when we are stuck in the middle of the traffic and all we do is to blow horns when it doesn’t make a difference.)
4.      People Like Nice People: You have the opportunity to be nice in this world. (He gave an example of how people make faces when they get calls from a particular set of people.)
5.      Do It For Yourself: Do what is good for you. Be responsible for yourself. Company will not are about your career.
Well, after he was finished with those 5 statements, I was certain that most of my queries have been resolved, yet I did not lose hope to learn more. He continued with his speech shared couple of more lessons which are mentioned separately in this post.
He later, welcomed the audience for the Questions & Answers session and said that we can ask any question from him and he will try to answer them by hook and crook. One of the questions was asked by Asad Sultan, “What were the mistakes that you have done in your life?”
He answered,”1. I wasted Time In Thinking More, 2. Did Not Make Much Friends In My College Life. 3. Did Not Do Much Activities In My School Life.”
Another good question was asked Jatin, “What are the top 3 qualities that you look for, in a candidate to select him for an Interview?”
He began walking and said,” That’s a very good question.” Then He continued with an answer and said that generally people write hobbies just for the sake of writing. 1. Integrity: If they have mentioned anything in their interest’s column, it must be true. 2. An Ability to communicate. (For instance, Description about internship projects. 3. Well roundedness: what the candidate is going to bring in the organization apart from just doing his role.
There was only one difficult question that he actually did not know but was still trying to answer it, No doubt, I am no one to comment on it but still I learned a lesson that it can be easily judged by people when we are making stories and when we actually know things. However, It was still a very wonderful interaction and I got a surplus knowledge that I could not receive without Him.
Until the end of the session, He mentioned certain important things. For instance, everybody gets the same set of knowledge in the class but what differentiate you, is how you use that knowledge in your life.
I Hereby, Thank Him For Sharing With Us, His Wonderful Wisdom Of Life.

May God Bless Him With Whatever He Wants To Achieve.

May He Keep Learning More And Keep Sharing His Excellence.

A Learner,
Rohit Sood

Things I Learned From His Session:
-          You Must Always Be Honest And Genuine With The Words You Use To Express Your Feelings. (Lesson Credits: Mr. Loviraj Gupta Sir.)
-          Use Of Right Vocabulary Is Very Important. (Lesson Credits: Mr. Loviraj Gupta Sir.)
Thanks To Mr. Rajat Mathur Sir For The Following Lessons:
-          You Must Develop An Interest Of All The Audience Before Beginning Your Speech.
-          You Should Be Honest With Your Audience.
-          If It Is Important, You Will Reach For It On Time Otherwise, It Shows That It’s Just A Joke For You. (P.S. His Story Of Being Punctual.)
-          Life Is Not Fair, You Don’t Have To Care About It.
-          You Always Have A Choice.
-          Worry About The Things That Under Your Locus Of Control. (P.S. Yet I Feel, We Should Not Care About Them Neither, As Things That We Can Control, We Should Rather Focus On Solving Them.)
-          People Like Nice People.
-          Do It For Yourself.
-          Invest In Brand You.
-          Make Yourself Appealing, Not Just Looks But Your Character.
-          Live.
-          Focus On Building VIP. (Values, Interests, Passion.)
-          Build Yourself As Personality Not Just A Student.
-          People Notice Everything You Do Or Say.
-          You Must Have The Basic Competence In Your Life.
-          Increase The Self Seek In You, To Learn More.
-          Watching And Experiencing Gives More Learning. (Self Learning Is Important.)
-          If It Is Important For You, You Will Do It.
-          If You Haven’t Tried It, You Don’t Have The Right To Comment And Say, “I Don’t Like It.”
-          Work Hard. Play Harder.
-          Never Say You Don’t Have Time.
-          Use Google. Enhance Your Knowledge And Use It.
-          Make Friends And Do More Experiments.
-          Have The Right Attitude In Your Life.
-          Its Not Just Demand And Supply That Be Defined In Terms Of Function But Also The Success. (P.S. I Will Share My Views About It In Detail Shortly.)

-          An Easiest Escape Plan Is The Excuse And That Is What Hold You Back. (For Instance: I Could Not Do It Because, I Did Not Get Time.)

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