25-October-2016 - A Day With Deepness:- - Rohit Sood

Anti-Social Media Challenge

Sunday, 30 October 2016

25-October-2016 - A Day With Deepness:-

A Day With Deepness

Things I Learned On October 25, 2016:-

-          No Matter What You Hold Or Let Go, It Is Always Your Choice. (Facebook, Instagram, Lettrs And Messenger Apps Uninstalled.)
-          Though Situations May Not Go How You Planned, Yet You Can Act Proactively In Them. (Reached University At 8:45 A.M. Instead Of 8:35 A.M.)
-          No Teacher Want To Hear That He/She Is Wrong. Hence, You Must Rather Make Them Understand Your Point Of You Only Without Letting Them Know That You Are Contradicting Their Point. (Rs. 500000 Because Rs. 75000 Was Written Instead Of Rs. 75000)
-          That Awesome Moment When You Give Up Something Just To See A Smile On Someone Else's Face. (Aloo Ke Pranthe..)
-          Whenever Somebody Gives You An Opportunity To Speak, He Or She Expect To Learn Something From You. Make Sure You Speak Productively. (Lesson Credits: Gaurav Puri Sir)
-          Never Underestimate An Ability Of A Teacher. (F4 Vs Shift+4) (Lesson Credits:- Gaurav Puri Sir)
-          "Be Silent Or Let Your Words Be Worth More Than Silence.",
-          You Must Not Attempt To Show Your Talent By Putting Others Down. (Group Discussion: Soft Skills Class)
-          That Awesome Moment When You Know Something That Others Don't. (Mentorship Class)
-          That Awkward Moment When You Fail To Tell Something That Others Don't. (Makemytrip And Ibibo Merger.)
-          You Must Be Quiet At Times So That People Listen To You Attentively When You Actually Have Something To Say. (Mentorship Class)
-          Sometimes, Anger Takes Place Just After Realizing That One Of Your Closed Ones Has Done A Fraud With You. (Petrol)

A day spent running.
A started at 6:30 a.m. when I again woke up later than I planned for. However, I still preferred to smile and make the best out of my today. Later, after reaching Phagwara I had to change bus to go to University but the next bus took more than 10 minutes at bus stop and on the other hand, my friend was waiting for me. As I reached University ten minutes late, therefore, I ran towards the place where my friend was waiting. On the other hand, she was already ready with two cups of tea and after having tea together and lit bit of chit chats, we went for our classes.
During the whole day, for every classes I had to run towards the respective classes and at 5p.m. when I got free from lectures, I ran towards the university main gate to catch the bus for Phagwara at the earliest because I had another bus to catch to go to my village at 5:25 p.m. After making many efforts as I was about to reach at bus stop, I saw another bus going towards my village which departs at 5:10 p.m. from bus stop and it was already 5:11 p.m. As soon as I stepped out of current bus, I had two options,  either to wait for next 15 minutes and reach late at home or to run 700m towards the bus and get it from its next stop, I decided not to give up rather just try once and without any doubt, I was able to catch the bus.

After entering in bus, the only thing I wanted was 'Water'. I asked two boys and they didn't have it and then asked a girl she gave me gesture to get it from that old man who was accompanying her. He suggested me to get it from the water cooler which was kept on the front side of the bus. Hence I got water and reached home early.
There I came to hear about something that made me very furious and later on I explained situation to myself and decided to move on from that.
That's how my day went…

Thank you for reading,


Rohit Sood

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