A Dog That Made Me Smile Today
Today, I was having a lecture at 8:00 a.m.
and therefore, I reached at University at around 7:24 a.m. While I was walking
towards Business Block 14, I noticed a dog at the back side of the hospital,
sitting in peace and enjoying a calmness of nature. For a second. I felt
jealous of it but suddenly I said to myself, “Why be jealous, rather just sit
down with it for a while.”
Hence, I sat there for around 1-2 minutes.
I simply smiled as soon as I stood up from there.
Later, I decided to take selfie with it and
clicked many pictures but could not get any satisfactory picture. While I was
in that euphoria moment with it, I saw a person coming upstairs. He smiled at
me and I smiled back, requesting him to take one picture of me with a dog.
As soon as I was about to stand up, he
said, “Keep sitting, let me click some more images so that you can choose best out
of them.”
I was really amazed to see his level of
courtesy and asked his name. “Pavan”, he replied.
“Thank You, Pavan.”, I spoke and smiled

One side of my brain spoke, “It teaches us
that sometimes, we must stop for a while in our busy life, to have some
relaxation from all worries and tensions.” I smiled at its answer.
In contrast, other side of my brain, in its
mocking behavior, replied, “Oh Please!! Look at the broader side of the
situation. The direction, in which that dog was looking or should I say Staring
for so long, is same as the one in which the Girls Hostel is situated.”
Listening to their debates, I simply
Laughed Out Loud and spoke, ”Crazy Minds”
I hope that reading this experience made
you smile as well.
Thank You For Reading,
Rohit Sood
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