Happy Thanksgiving Month - Introduction - Rohit Sood

Anti-Social Media Challenge

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Happy Thanksgiving Month - Introduction

Happy Thanksgiving Month.

Thanksgiving Day is celebrated as National Holiday on Second Monday of October in Canada and on Fourth Thursday in United States.

Exactly after one month on November 24, 2016, it's a Thanksgiving Day. In this life of 23 years or should I say 276 months, I have come across thousands of people and most of them helped or taught me in one way or the other. Therefore, I believe that only one day will not be enough to thank all the people, who helped me to make my every Today better than its Yesterday.

Hence, I have decided to celebrate this whole month as Thanksgiving Month so that nobody is left behind to receive the gratitude, which I don't want to happen.

In this process,
Many secrets will be revealed.
Many wounds will be healed.
Many untold stories will be narrated.
Many feelings will be expressed.
Many failures will be exposed.
And few successes will be told, if any. (Lolz)

I hope you enjoy reading them. Wish you a very Happy Beginning of the Thanksgiving Month.

Thank you for reading,

Rohit Sood.

(Note: The significance of any gratitude is not dependent upon their order of posts because it is not measurable in any way and posts can be random.)

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