The Wonderful Person, I Met At A Wedding - Rohit Sood

Anti-Social Media Challenge

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

The Wonderful Person, I Met At A Wedding

The Wonderful Person, I Met At A Wedding.

On July 24, 2016, I went to my cousin’s wedding where I came across an Uncle of my Bhabhi, the Conversation that I hard with Anil Uncle was quite amazing. He told me many good things that just hit the nail. For example, he told me that he hardly use whatsapp for 2 minutes a day. I asked him how he manages to do that because when I use whatsapp, I chat with one friend for 20-30 minutes and meanwhile another person texts and I chat with them as well. He told me that he read a short story about a person who had 1000 friends in his whatsapp contacts but when one day he met with an accident and was on his death bed, only two persons were sitting outside ICU; his wife and his child.
This story shows a very true picture of the reality which cannot be neglected. It all depends on the mind of a reader, how he takes it.

He also guided me about various aspects of life; how important it is to have a goal in our life.

We Danced together, had few selfies and a lot of fun.

He told me how much vital it is, to enjoy each day in our life. Meeting with him and observing him, made me realize how much amazing he is, that still at this age, he has a young enthusiasm to learn even more. He is well qualified person with amazing level of mind set and deep knowledge in philosophy. While having conversation with him, I came to know he is from USA.
In addition, He told me about the significance of keeping an eye on our goal daily and still enjoy each day side my side. This conversation might have lasted for just 2-4 minutes, but the lessons he shared with were in lump sum. I will carry them for the rest of my life.
Moreover, He gave me his personal contact number of USA and asked me to text him anytime if I need any help. In addition, He invited me to show him a visit at his place when I go to USA. I agreed and said Thanks.

Things I Learned From Anil Makol Uncle Are As Follows:
- You Cannot Share Everything You Learn, You Would Also Not Want Anyone To Be Your Clone Or To Do What You Are Doing.
- No Matter How Old You Are, Just Enjoy Your Day As If There Is No Tomorrow.
- Its Not The Goal But The Journey To It, Makes All The Difference.
- No Matter How Much High, Your Status Grows, But Always Stay Down To Earth.

- Share Your Learnings With Others, Once You Have Applied Them In Your Own Life.
I Hereby thank to Anil Makol Uncle for all the lessons that he has given me.
May God Keep Him Joyful And Happy As He Is Now.
May I Get A Chance To Meet With Him Once Again To Keep Motivation Alive In Me, Forever.

Thank You For Reading,


Rohit Sood

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