Another Interaction with The Same Unknown Girl - Rohit Sood

Anti-Social Media Challenge

Thursday, 8 December 2016

Another Interaction with The Same Unknown Girl

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Another Interaction with The Same Unknown Girl

I was sitting in a Bus on the front side when the girl came and sat by my side. Looking at her, I smiled and said, “Hi”. She was the same girl, one of the twins. I asked her about the result of her sister’s exam. She gave the answer and then I continued using my mobile.
Few minutes later, she asked me if my exams are over. I was already excited about my today’s exam as it went so well. Hence, I replied, “Actually, today, exams have just started and the first exam went awesome that I attempted 98 marks paper.”
We continued the chit chat for another 5-10 minutes, then I engaged myself in my mobile activity again. While I was using my mobile, she spoke, “New Phone!!” Saying yes with a smile, I handed over the phone to her to take a look at it and said, “Yes, My brother gifted me on Thanksgiving Day” Then I showed her the video that my brother recorded while giving that surprise to me.
The conversation kept going until I realized that I was talking too much, and that too about me, so I told her that she knows that I read and write too much, but what does she do after she reach home. She said that whole day get finished until she gets home so she prefer sleeping. I completed her sentence by adding, “Okay, so on week days you prefer sleeping whereas on weekends, you love shopping.” She blushed in an agreement and shared her shopping experiences.
Later, she asked about my future plans and we communicated on various other aspects of life.
Overall, it was a great journey.
Thank you for reading,
Have a nice day.
Rohit Sood

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