December 08, 2016 - A Day Spent With Confidence. - Rohit Sood

Anti-Social Media Challenge

Saturday, 10 December 2016

December 08, 2016 - A Day Spent With Confidence.

A Day Spent With Confidence.
Things I Learned Today (December 08, 2016):
- That awesome moment when you are giving an exam and suddenly, you remember a lesson given by your Teacher so you decide not to worry about any difficult question rather focus on solving it.
- During the exam, you only have two options, either to worry or to give your best shot in it.
- That amazing moment when you have quality conversation with a stranger in bus. (A conversation with Sandeep in a bus.)
- That memorable moment when you call your teacher just after the exam and you can sense a sigh of relief and happiness in his voice. (Conversation with Likhit Sir)

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