December 10, 2016 - A Day When I Got Internal Motivation - Rohit Sood

Anti-Social Media Challenge

Saturday, 10 December 2016

December 10, 2016 - A Day When I Got Internal Motivation

A Day When I Got Internal Motivation.
Things I Learned Today (December 10, 2016):-
- That awesome moment when you meet strangers as if they are your friends.
- Just be yourself and do what you love to do. (Lesson Credits: Rahul Sharma Sir)
- You will not take experience to brag about  but to live your upcoming life. (Lesson Credits: Narendra Parmar Bhai)
- Respect must be created by your actions rather than your words. (Lesson Credits: Narendra Parmar Bhai)
- Giving Respect Is much easier. Give respect to as many people as possible.
- Met with Narendra Paemar Bhai.
- Met with Rahul Attri Sir.
- Had quality conversation with Shubhraj.
- Harkamal commented.
- Have confidence in yourself. (Chalk N Duster Movie)
- That awesome moment when you become a reason for someone's smile. (P.S. Called Mansimrat to wish him Happy Birthday. He was glad to receive that surprise call from me.)

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