December 11, 2016 - Love as much as you can. - Rohit Sood

Anti-Social Media Challenge

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

December 11, 2016 - Love as much as you can.

Love as much as you can.

Things I Learned Today (December 11, 2016):-
- That awesome moment when you get the direction in your life.
- That amazing moment when you make the title for something which was never made before by anyone.
- Love is a powerful thing. Love is extraordinary.
- No matter what happen, just do what is important irrespective of what people would think.
P.S. Today I was talking to a friend and was suggesting her to switch off the mobile and start studying but she said, "I cannot do so as otherwise my friends will come to my room so they will know that I am studying. And just in case I don't get good marks, they will make fun of me." I was so surprised that she couldn't even prepare for her exam just because of the fear of what people would think.
I also sent one message to many people to ask anything from me with the end of 2016. Most of them asked Why I write and what I get by writing.

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