Happy Birthday Sagar Sahu - Rohit Sood

Anti-Social Media Challenge

Monday, 5 December 2016

Happy Birthday Sagar Sahu

Happy Birthday Sagar Sahu,

Sagar Sahu,
They say “Good people are hard to find”, yet I dare to differ from this statement for I was so fortunate to find you as my friend that I couldn’t imagine that it would be just because of or through Facebook.
The best thing about you is that you are the kind of person who don’t want to excel alone in life. You love to see people growing and becoming better along with you. You make sure to tell, as many people as you can, about the mistakes that you have done in your life so that they never do the same rather try a different approach to get things done.
Sometimes, I doubt about the Big Dream, that I have seen, to come true. But the way you have understood my urge to reach to that level is commendable. Because it was no other person in this whole world who encouraged me to take that one step towards one of the farthest dream of my life. It was only you who could sense the urgency of taking that step. I kind of had an intuition that I could trust you even before I met you and luckily you never broke that trust, rather inspired me to trust you even more.
I know the path that I have chosen is very distant and the journey is long that I sometimes, stop or pause for a while in the middle of the road of that destination. However, once I will have reached to that point of achievement in my life, you will always be as one of the top persons due to which it will be a success.
I know I don’t get much time to appreciate your presence in my life, yet once I fulfill your expectations, I would be glad to mention that to you as many times as possible.
We all need a push in life, to achieve something big. Similarly, I also get it from many people around me, for one thing or the other. But when it comes to this regard or goal, it is only you who inspire me to go for it and achieve it by putting my efforts.
It’s not just funny but cheesy too, to say that the impact that you have made on my life, is so much that this post is appearing as less that I wonder if I could write a book on the gratitude that I have for you.
Thank you for coming in my life my dear Facebook Friend cum Good Friend cum Mentor cum Buddy,
I wish you a very Happy Birthday :-)
May God Bless You :-)
I hope you get the best score in the exam that you gave day before yesterday.
Thank you for being my Friend,

Rohit Sood

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