January 15, 2017 - A Day When I Witnessed Change. - Rohit Sood

Anti-Social Media Challenge

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

January 15, 2017 - A Day When I Witnessed Change.

A Day When I Witnessed Change.

#Things_I_Learned_Today  (January 15, 2017):-
- You must be positive to spread optimism in others.
- Sometimes, God gives the opportunity in different forms just to make sure that we grab it. (A Webinar.)
- You should not regret your past rather you must change your reaction towards it. (A discussion on Ok Jaanu.)

Lessons Learned From The Webinar of Sadri Jafri:-
- Faith is what we are born with, fear is what we get from around.
-Imagine your fear as a person and say this message to it: "Fear, I Love You. I understand what you have done. I am sorry but whatever happens to me is not in your control but destiny. I forgive you for taking away my energy. I forgive myself for getting distracted because of you."
- I am who I am. I am where I am. It is safe for me to shine.
- Let Go of fears from your body and soul.
- Divine Magic Statement: It is safe for me to disappoint others to be my true to myself. I love, adore and accept myself completely.

Rohit Sood. 

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