Things I Learned Today 2nd Year Anniversary - Rohit Sood

Anti-Social Media Challenge

Friday, 27 January 2017

Things I Learned Today 2nd Year Anniversary

"Things I Learned Today" 2nd year Anniversary:-

2 Years ago, on the same day, I made a covenant with myself to share whatever I learn every day with others.
Thankfully, I never missed even a single day when I did not share my learnings of a day.

Many lessons were learned,
Many were unlearned.
Many lessons were shared,
Many were experienced.
Many lessons were observed,
Many were heard.
I might not have become a perfect human being, yet I was able to improve myself in these two years to a great extent just because of this small activity.
I still remember the initial days when I started sharing my learnings every day on Facebook, with a title "Things I Learned Today", my batchmates used to tease me and comment, "Bhai, Aaj Kya Seekhaa...." but I always greeted them with a smile and never stopped doing things that always gave me a smile.
Later on, 21 February 2015, Mr. Vivek Prajapati suggested me to start sharing those lessons with a hashtag, which encouraged me to create #Things_I_Learned_Today and then I started sharing them through this source.
Gradually, I realized if I can learn some things everyday, everyone must also be learning some things with their own experiences due to which I created a Facebook group with a same name so that others could also share their learnings but that could not really happen.
Finally, I created a blog and Facebook Page with the name, "Things I Learned Today". I might not have reached millions of people with these steps but still I smile whenever I look at number of total views on my blog which are not less than 16000. It also makes me smile when I look at the collection of hundreds of wallpapers which I created with my own quotes just because of the lessons I learned from numerous people including my teachers, friends, family, relatives and of course, strangers.
I achieved another milestone on September 17, 2016 when I finally converted my blog into a website with the complete guidance of Mr. Jobanjit Singh (Thanks to Him.)
I hereby thank all the hundreds of people I came across in these two years who helped me to learn thousands of lessons in these 731 Days.
I really owe a great extent of gratitude to each one of you for helping me to become what I am today.
Thank you so much.
Rohit Sood.

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