January 20, 2017 - The Best Day That Encountered Me With Diversified Experiences. - Rohit Sood

Anti-Social Media Challenge

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

January 20, 2017 - The Best Day That Encountered Me With Diversified Experiences.

The Best Day That Encountered Me With Diversified Experiences.

#Things_I_Learned_Today (January 20, 2017):-
-  “You pile up enough tomorrows, and you’ll find you
are left with nothing but a lot of empty yesterdays.”, Professor Harold Hill.
- Indecision is a bad decision.(Lesson Credits: Benjamin P Hardy.)
- That awesome moment when you take a stand for someone. (Defended on behalf of Supernova Mam)
- That one moment when people ask you about a thing that you used to do but you stopped doing suddenly. (Morning Message.)
- Slowest learner is not the dumb person. He just understand things at a lesser pace than others. (Lesson Credits: Likhit Sir)
- Running away from a problem wil not solve a problem. (Lesson Credits: Likhit Sir.)
- Start preparing for yourself and be future ready. (Lesson Credits: Likhit Sir)
- Some day we perform good, some day bad, but law of avergaes always prevail. (Lesson Credits: Likhit Sir)
- Burn yourself to shine. (Lesson Credits: Likhit Sir.)
- That awesome moment when people care for your health. (P.S. Thank you Rupinderjeet, I ll get better gradually. Thanks.)
- That amazing moment when you get know what people say about you at your back and you know that it doesn't matter at all. (P.S. "How can a person like Rohit be in this section.)
- It feels great to have amazing people as your friend. (Ahmad, Amita, Rupinderjeet)
- It's hilarious when you shut people's mouth with a small sentence, while careying a smile on your face. (P.S. A question was asked from me by someone just to pull my leg in front of others and he ended up keeping quiet after a while.)
- That amazing moment when you stop giving what people say, think or talk about you. (Financial Management Lecture.)
- Stay quiet and speak only when it is required or at least when people are in their best sense to listen you. (Lesson Credits: Supernova Mam)

P.S. Today was a day when many things happened all at once.
At morning we attended a guest lecture for Stockminds competition, in next lecture, Likhit Sir gave many good tips and shared wonderful lessons. Later in the day, we had a soft skills class in which I spoke less because I am having a ache in my ear and an issue with swollen root canal along with ulcers in mouth and lips and neck pain too. It was really hard to even open my mouth but my friend Rupinderjeet brought medicines for me. Though it did not have any instant solution, when the marketing management lecture started, we were supposed to give 5 minutes presentation in the class. When the first girl was called for the presentation, she requested for a marker and I raised my hand to help bring a marker from a staff room as for some reasons, Supernova Mam did not bring her marker. She recommended one teacher's name for taking marker or to bring it from any faculty from 302 room. I finally, brought the marker from Avinash Sir and when Mam asked from whom I took marker, she wasn't able to recall who that teacher was. So I was trying to help her remind until she could remember him. After the first girl gave the presentation, Mam gave her the feedback in avery detailed manner and many more presentations followed, it was noticed that students were speaking for less than 5 minutes.
I decided to start timer in my mobile on my turn. Before my turn, a guy of our class went for the presentation, and he started stopwatch on his mobile.
While he was giving his presentation, I could realize that it was one of the bests but I decided to focus on my performance and not get demoralised by his level. After he finished his presentation, Mam said that he spoke for just 4 minutes. He then showed time to whole class and said,"A great orator wipes off the board first before beginning the presentation so he cleaned the board first then he started the presentation." Whereas according to Mam, he used first 1 minute for writing on Board about the headings he was going to discuss.
"I have taken marketing by choice, it is not compulsion to me as college has given it as my subject. In my first class I thought you are an experienced teacher and we will get to learn a lot from you but the kind of negative environment that you create, is not acceptable.", he continued his statements to Mam.
I felt disappointed about all this and decided to defend Mam and said, "She was just kidding." because it was somehow related to me and I know her nature so there was no point for him to over react.
While going back to his seat, he said to me, "Thank you spokesperson."
Now, finally it was my turn because I volunteered for it as Mam asked for the students who were confident enough to speak for complete 5 minutes.
I asked Mam for 2 minutes break as I wasn't able to digest what had just happened.
She agreed.
After 30 seconds, I decided to go for the presentation, the only doubt I was having is that whether I would be able to open my mouth because of my ear, neck and root canal issue. In addition, I chose to go for Timer of 5 minutes instead of stopwatch.
I started very well and spoke for complete 5 minutes until beeps started after 5 minutes. And I said to audience, "I understand my time is up yet I want to conclude by…."
Now as we all had sensed, he was expected to ask for any difficult question from me to pull me down in front of others.
So he asked, "Like you talked about B2B marketing, so tell me it's relation with Federal section blah blah..and blah blah" question about which I had no idea. The moment I was about to answer or say any sentence. He was like, "Okay, Okay I got my answer."
I smiled and said, "Oh you already knew the answer, you simply wanted to pull me down."
And after concluding again, I went to my seat.
While giving feedbacks, Mam told his marks as 14 and mine 12 marks out of 15. I was very happy to hear my marks because I already knew my level as per performance in last semester. She expressed that his behavior was very unprofessional when he triedto pull my leg and others also noticed it. (The best part is that everybody praised me after the class saying that I perfectly tackled him.)
She also explained that she was on leave today and only came for our class but was feeling regretful for coming to college because of the experience she had in our class.

Later, in lunch break, I met with Hazrat who gave me certain tips to do well in academics. I am really thankful to him as well.
After lunch break, we had a Financial Management class, in which when Teacher was taking attendance, I was talking and later also at the beginning of the lecture, I was talking to my seat mate. Finally, Sir asked me to stand up and I kept quiet and laughed on the jokes Sir was cracking on me and I also did some mimicry about some scenarios which he was trying to remind me of. I felt so amazing because other classmates were enjoying the time.
After the class, I met with Ajay Khullar Sir who shared many tips with me on how to get better in life by reading something new daily and getting to know something about everything everyday, he also shared ways of increasing my knowledge level every day step by step. He also recommended me to save some articles and think of the company I want to work for, before sleeping every night.
After thanking him, I came out of his cabin where I met Amita who wanted to talk to me because she realized that I was feeling sad about something and was carrying a smile on my face but pain in my heart. I thanked her for being caring and explained her the reason was just my health and that I wasn't even able to smile properly whole day just because I was not able to open my mouth because of health and pain issues otherwise there was nothing related to any emotional concern. After seeing her off at her hostel gate, I went for my home where I watched Dear Zindagi on my journey to home in which I learned about the concept of thinking about the top 5 people who matters to me most in life and was shocked with the fact that I wasn't able to write just 5 names only.
Once I reached home, I made tea for my family including me. While I was having tea, I got a call from Ahmad who wanted to talk to me about many things and told me what he heard from our common friend about what that same person (marketing lecture student) said about me to that girl. He said, "How a person like Rohit can be in this section i.e. Q1641." It was a lol moment for me because when people start saying something bad about you, it shows you are growing. I was so damn glad to hear that, and felt like telling that guy, that's a low graded question, he should have rather said, "How a person like Rohit is in MBA." May be that would have made him feel better.
But on the whole, all these things made my day really, that I still feel that the above words also less to express what I felt in whole day.
Thank you each and every person who made such situations so that I could experience this day.
Rohit Sood.

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