An Amazing Guest Lecture by Arun Malhotra, MD, Nissan Motors. - Rohit Sood

Sunday, 9 April 2017


An Amazing Guest Lecture by Arun Malhotra, MD, Nissan Motors.


An Amazing Guest Lecture by Arun Malhotra, MD, Nissan Motors.

It all started at around 2:20p.m. when Rajesh Verma Sir introduced Mr. Arun Malhotra to all of us. 
Finally the man of value was on stage and started his speech.
He clearly mentioned that he won't give a designed or structured speech, rather it would be a Q & A Session.
First question he asked from us was, "Why Management?"
Later, he talked about Communication Skills.
Tips for Effective Communication Skills:
  1. Be a good listener.
    1. Passive Listening
    2. Active Listening
      1. What the speaker said?
      2. Where this question came from?
      3. What is his body language?
  2. Misconception of Communication Skills in terms of English
  3. Written Communication

He later, talked about Innovative Disruptions.
While he was delivering his lecture, I experienced one of the most memorable moments of LPU which brought a smile on my face.
He asked some of the Finance questions,
One of them was, "What is Returns on Investment?"
I got an opportunity to answer that question.
As I completed answering the question, He said, "Though it was an easy question, 99% of the people are not able to answer it correctly, Well done."
I noticed Mr. Sanjay Modi Sir, writing some tips from the lecture on a piece of paper.
I felt amazing that there is no harm to jot down the important points.

Few moments later, he gave an example of a movie: My Fair Lady (1960s) in relation to communication ability.

He asked 10 of us to volunteer for special Quiz related to PMs and Presidents of our country, I also stood among them but unfortunately, we couldn't answer any of his question correctly.  

At the end of the guest lecture, Mr. Sanjay Modi Sir stood up to give a vote of thanks to him and he beautifully gave him the credit for PDCA concept, he was stating. He said that when he heard his lecture, he reminded of a thing i.e. PDCA: Plan Do Check Act.

I feel so great when I hear Sanjay Modi Sir, speaking or interacting with an audience, because everytime I listen to him, I get some lesson or a message from him.

Things I Learned from the Guest Lecture:-
  1. It is easy to improve yourself at younger age.
  2. Too much of Communication is also bad.
  3. You must take an initiative.
  4. You must have a curiosity. 
  5. Instill, Instigate and raise your level from within yourself.
  6. Compass is more important than Clock. (P.S. He beautifully explained how important it is to follow the right direction.)
  7. Know your target market.
  8. Basic concepts of Finance are required in all the fields.
  9. You must read business newspaper.
  10. You must follow at least 1 industry and 1 company closely.
  11. You must identify your weak points and then make strategies to overcome them in a specified period of time.
  12. You must have inquisitive nature and therefore, should go deeper in some topics to get better insights about them.
  13. It's important to put some obstacles in your way by yourself to get toughness and enough strength to face bigger problems.
  14. You should always be open to learn new things in life. (Lesson Credits: Sanjay Modi Sir)

Thank you for reading,
Rohit Sood.

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