6 Days, 3*6 Lessons - Rohit Sood

Anti-Social Media Challenge

Saturday, 28 October 2017

6 Days, 3*6 Lessons

Image Credits: pexels.com
Lessons I Learned In The Past 6 Days:-

October 17, 2017:
  1. Some days are very special. You must cherish them but should not take them as a pride. Stay down to earth.
October 18, 2017:
  1. Your plans must be flexible enough to adapt with the changing environment.
  2. You must not suggest any idea or opinion that you cannot implement by yourself. (Lesson Credits: Rupali)
  3. That amazing moment when you get to hear something so wonderful that you cannot trust your own ears.
October 19, 2017:
  1. Some festivals are the reminder of how amazing the life is!
  2. A chat may create misunderstanding but a slight glance in the eyes of a person can convey everything that is enough to resolve the situation.
October 20, 2017:
  1. Your day may begin in doubts but some special people will always stand by your side and keep your faith alive.
  2. Life tests us in many ways but positive attitude towards it must be maintained, otherwise it will put us into the world of destructive thoughts.
October 21, 2017:
  1. That hilarious moment when you call your tuition teacher to wish her happy birthday but she denies to take your wishes without any birthday gift.
  2. Some people are genuinely concerned about others. It feels good to come across such people in our life. (P.S. An upcoming author raising a voice against crackers)
  3. That amazing moment when you listen to a voice that you were awaiting to hear from over past 50 hours.
  4. External environment may try to create some misunderstandings but when your bond is stronger , it can never harm your friendship.
  5. That awesome moment when you start experiencing joy in the happiness of others.
October 22, 2017:
  1. Some tasks appear to be hard just because you give up on trying them. Just try to do them once, you will realize how easy they are.
  2. That amazing moment when you foresee a misunderstanding but you take prior steps to not let that happen.
  3. Some emotions are unspoken yet they still exist within us.
  4. When you are confident about your decision, you don't need to seek approval of others. (Lesson Credits: Rupali)
  5. No matter how much you procrastinate, you will have to finish the tasks assigned to you.

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