A Journey to Golden Temple - Rohit Sood

Friday, 12 January 2018


A Journey to Golden Temple

A Peaceful Day


Finally, I was ready to go on a trip to Amritsar to visit Golden Temple and as per my friends suggestion, we decided to go via Train. Undoubtedly, it was a good decision. During this journey of over 2 hours, we came across many people including an old man, Mr. Varinder Malhotra who taught us various life lessons which would help us for the long run.
“Kindly shift a little bit aside to give me a seat”, he said to me.
However, I shifted towards outside so that he could move inside the seat but he insisted by saying that he was going towards Beas only.
Meanwhile, TT came to check the tickets and one of our fellow passengers was in a wrong train but she claimed that she was in a right train and paid Rs. 80, which encouraged TT to hand over the ticket of that stranger to me and say, “Kindly check the amount and please convey the amount to her.”
“It’s Rs. 60”, I said bit loud.
“But they took Rs. 80 from me and said it was the ticket for Superfast train only.”
I could only wonder whether she was in a wrong train intentionally, or the person at ticket counter took the balance amount or it was just a misunderstanding.
TT took her ticket and said that she will come back to take Rs. 265 from that woman.
“From where shall I bring that huge amount? I am going for medical purpose to Beas”, she said.
I did not know what to respond so I decided to keep quiet and observe people.
After over 40 minutes,
Oops!! I can’t keep quiet for that long, I am sitting next to an old man which means a pool of knowledge is sitting next to me. All I need to do is to fill a bucket for myself.
“What do you do?”, I asked.
“I do business of Dry Tea and currently I am going to Beas because we supply it to Beas Dera for over 15 years.”
There were a lot points which he discussed and finally made me realize that it is very good to initiate conversations with strangers, you never know what you may learn by just a little conversation.
This discussion was so fruitful that it encouraged the conversations among other passengers as well. This was the actual fact that brought a smile on my face because had I not initiated the conversation with that old man, other people would have continued to play games in their electronic gadgets.
Here’s a list of Things I Learned Today:
  1. Flexibility is not just a lesson rather it also teaches us a lot of other learnings which accompany with the experiences that come out of our flexibility.
  2. The people, to whom you really matter, are like the sun. To put it in a other way, no matter how dark the night is, they will shine bright in the morning with the same love and energy.
  3. When you love someone, you will appreciate their every small gesture.
  4. That amazing day when you know that you are with someone even when they are far away.
  5. Everyone is selfish but you should be selfish for Lord instead of your own self. (P.S.”Swarthi ta saare hunde ne. Par Gurumukh swarthi bano. Mannmukh swarthi nai” shared by Mr. Varinder Malhotra, 62, an old man in a train.)
  6. Many people may not believe in superstitions but there are people who have complete faith on them as they might have witnessed something similar with their own eyes.
Keep Learning,
Keep Sharing,

Thanks & Regards,
Rohit Sood.

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