3 Days - Wisdom Unlimited - Rohit Sood

Anti-Social Media Challenge

Sunday, 18 March 2018

3 Days - Wisdom Unlimited

3 Days - Wisdom Unlimited

Things I Learned Today: March 15, 2018:
  1. Sometimes, your plans may not get executed the way you want, but that's perfectly fine as long as you have a backup plan.
  2. Never leave an opportunity to do ordinary things in an extraordinary ways. (Lesson Credits: Roli) (P.S. Waiting for lunch)
  3. There's always a way out of evey situation we get into. (P.S. Error in making payment for MSB Conference)

Things I Learned Today: March 16, 2018:
  1. That awkward moment when you fail to fulfill your commitment. (P.S. Made Navjot wait for me, but I forgot to meet her)
  2. That amazing moment when you take your friend to a place where she never visited before and she gets an amazing experience. (P.S. Air hockey)

Things I Learned Today: March 17, 2018:
  1. People may fake themselves in front of you. Therefore, it's better to do what you feel the best choice for you. (P.S. Trident Drive)
  2. That hilarious moment when your teachers begin to tease you with regard to the person you spend your most time with.
  3. Whenever you are in any Interview process, 'Say' those words or 'Do' something which can be sold.
  4. Happiness is making travelling plans with your loved ones.
  5. It's better to stay away from negative people before they start to degrade your self-confidence. (Lesson Credits: Rupali Kumari) (P.S. An incident with a classmate)

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