The Stranger I Could Help - Rohit Sood

Anti-Social Media Challenge

Saturday, 3 March 2018

The Stranger I Could Help

The Stranger I Could Help

It was around 9:10 a.m. when I was sitting in Room No. 14-503, a discussion room in my university, when a guy entered the room.
"Hi", I said.
"Hey", he replied.
As he was about to take his seat, I asked him if he was alright.
"I am not well. I am having fever and feeling tired. I wouldn't have come for the classes but I have one presentation in the next lecture", he stated.

Meanwhile, one of his classmates entered the room who informed him that their Operations Management's teacher was absent and he felt very disappointed as he came to attend classes only for that lecture. By now, I was ready to start my work on my laptop and suggested him to go back to his room to take rest.
Now, I encountered one of the most weird experiences. This man looked towards his classmate and requested him to take him to the Uni Hospital but I was surprised by his classmate's reaction and realized that he will not go with him as he did not even look at him.
So I preferred to offer help to him, "Do you want me to accompany you to Uni-Hospital?"
"Yes", he replied.
I shut down my laptop and packed my bag, once again, to drop him to the hospital. He could barely walk due to which I asked him if he would like to keep his arm on my shoulders. He liked the idea and did the needful. As we were walking together, I began to interact with him and asked his name and stream.
"Xavier, MBA First Year", he replied.
I asked him about how he got unwell and what else he was feeling.
He told me that he was alright till 2:00 a.m., however, he got unwell by the time he was about to sleep, especially because he had been working on his presentation last night. 
Few minutes later, we reached the hospital's reception. Initially, I thought I must leave him there and come back to Block 14 but knowing that he was not having any other friend for support, I put that thought away.
"What has happened?", asked the person, sitting at the reception.
He explained about his fever and symptoms of Vertigo.
To my surprise, Sir asked his staff member to bring the wheelchair and take him to the male ward. Now, this also appeared to be a moment to say him goodbye and go back to Block 14 but once again, I put that thought away because I was still not sure if you would get proper aid and went towards the male ward.

"Kindly bring these medicines.", said the doctor, while handing over the list of medicines to me.
I was not aware how to arrange for it as I was not having cash in hand at that moment and ATM did not appear to be a good idea. So, I deliberately asked Xavier if he carried the cash for medicines. Without any further discussion, he simply gave me Rs. 2000 note. I was surprised by the faith he showed on me. But still, I asked the chemist to give me a proper receipt so that I could give it to Xavier as a proof for how much amount I spent.

As I took the medicines to the ward, he told me that he had not taken his breakfast yet and asked me to bring Chocolate, Maza and water bottle for him. Even I did not have breakfast that morning but I did not want to eat at that time. I thought it might look awkward.

When the doctor came, she checked his BP and said to another doctor, "It's 110.7"
I was shocked because I thought she was talking about his fever. In contrast, Fever actually came out to be "102"
Now, the doctor was ready to put a glucose on him for which she had to put an injection in his arm. She asked me to assist her to hold his arm tight so that his nerve could appear clearly. I was bit nervous and scared about the whole process. I couldn't see him hurt. The doctor noticed my anxiety and asked if I was afraid. Without any hesitation, I agreed but I did not stop myself from helping her even though she asked me to leave the hand if it was difficult for me. 
I said,"No issue, that's perfectly alright."
That's the different story that I closed my eyes until she was done with the process.

Later, he asked me to drop a text in the WhatsApp Group of his section that he was not well and therefore, he would not be able to attend any lecture.
I stayed with him until his friends came to see him. Before I could leave, I wanted to make sure that somebody will be there with him so I asked his friends, Gad, Mohammad and Alex about their free lectures and who among them was going to stay with him. They said that they will stay for one hour and more friends will also join them.
The moment I heard it, I complimented them for their 'Unity'.
I could sense a feeling of proud in their eyes which encouraged me to say, "May God save you all from Black Eyes".
As I said so, we all smiled in Unison.

Meanwhile, I noticed Xavier speaking something to Gad in the language I could not understand. But when all his three friends started to stare me, I could realize that he was talking about me. I felt as if he was telling them everything that I did for him so far. Within few seconds, they started to thank me with a broad smile on their face.
Gradually, we became friends and asked them about which country they belong to.
"Ivory Coast, Africa", they said.

Now, it was almost 10:30 a.m. and I was supposed to meet one of my friends in Block 14 so I had to leave for the same as he was already waiting for me there. However, before I could go, there was something left undone.
I still did not return the Balance amount to Xavier. I was still not sure if he was in his senses to count the money so I explained to his friends, "I took Rs. 2000 note. I bought Medicines worth Rs. 385, here's a bill. I got Rs. 1,115 out of which I brought Chocolate, Maza and Water Bottle for Rs. 95. So, I am left with Rs. 1,020. Take it."

"No, No, No, Man!! Please don't do that. We trust you", said Gad.
I was so glad to hear this from him that I couldn't resist myself from thanking them for trusting me so easily.
I gave my number to them, suggesting to call me if they need any help. In addition, I promised Xavier that I will visit him once again at 1:00 p.m.

After few hours, I went to see him at around 1:10 p.m. and asked about Doctor's feedback. 
He said that another bottle of Glucose will be put on him at 8:00 p.m.

Finally, I was at relief as his condition was better now and he was in a position to talk properly and wished him Good bye as I was about to go for lunch at that time. 

Next morning, I called him to know if he was alright. He told me that he was perfectly alright now and he thanked me once again for what I did.

Two days later, I received a text "Hi" from Mohammad and Xavier at the same time. 
They thanked me once again for assisting Xavier to reach to Hospital.
"Are you sitting with Mohammad and talking about me", I asked from Xavier. 
"Yes, we were talking about you only", he replied.

To put it in a nutshell, I learned that we put our best efforts in order to help strangers selflessly as compared to helping some thankless people whom we already know. It was one of the most interesting experiences of my life which I really felt like sharing with you.

Things I Learned Today: February 27, 2018:
  1. God gives us enough opportunities to help others. It feels really great to grab such opportunities on time.
  2. That amazing moment when a stranger expresses his blind trust towards you.
  3. It's better to focus on the solution rather than holding on to your problems just to panic about them. (Lesson Credits: Rupali Kumari)
  4. That amazing moment when you learn the most important lesson of your life within few minutes.
  5. It is very important to take proper consent of a person before writing their name in your activity. (Lesson Credits: Sourabh Lakhanpal Sir)
  6. You must never compromise with the quality. (Lesson Credits: Sourabh Lakhanpal Sir)
  7. You must focus on solving a problem instead of bragging about its negative consequences. (Lesson Credits: Rupali Kumari)

Thank you for reading,
I hope you learned something from this article.

Keep Learning,
Keep Sharing,

Thanks & Regards,
Rohit Sood.

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