Things I Learned Today: March 14, 2018: - Rohit Sood

Anti-Social Media Challenge

Friday, 16 March 2018

Things I Learned Today: March 14, 2018:

Things I Learned Today: March 14, 2018:

  1. That awkward moment when you begin to blame others for your situation.
  2. You can only keep a smile on your face if you learn to let go. (Lesson Credits: Rupali)
  3. The only person who stops you from reaching at our goal is YOU. (Lesson Credits: Nikhil, Division of Alumni Affairs)
  4. That surprising moment when you earn respect by speaking the right answer in the class. (P.S. Brand Loyalty)
  5. Sometimes, your intuition shows the right direction. Have faith on it. (P.S. SAP)
  6. Opportunity is realized only if you grab it on time. (P.S. 3 Months Internship)
  7. Sometimes, it's important to let go of one thing to achieve something bigger in life. (P.S. Operations Lecture vs. Interview)

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