Last Tuesday At LPU - Rohit Sood

Anti-Social Media Challenge

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Last Tuesday At LPU

April 24, 2018: Last Tuesday At  LPU

The best thing about today was that it was the last Tuesday on which our classes were going to be held and it was a clear sign that the countdown to leave the university has started. First and foremost, I woke up bit late today, while feeling relaxed for not having much work to do. On my way to university, I began reading "Eleven Minutes" by Paulo Coelho which took my attention the moment I read the first page. 
Things I Learned Today:
  1. That one moment when you make your teacher realize that she is being biased with you. (P.S. Gargi vs Me Doubt)
  2. That awkward moment when a teachers becomes very rude with the student who preferred to choose his career over any job. (P.S. Federal vs Trident)
  3. The best satisfaction is received when you do some good amount of work in your free time.

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