May 05-08, 2018: Let's Learn Together - Rohit Sood

Anti-Social Media Challenge

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

May 05-08, 2018: Let's Learn Together

May 05, 2018: Things I Learned Today:

  1. It may be right that you were wrong but when you have already realized your mistake and others keep pointing it out, it simply hurts.
  2. The more you stretch on the issue, the more happiness it will ruin. (Lesson Credits: Roli)

May 06, 2018: Things I Learned Today:

  1. There is no fixed constraints to achieve Success. It all depends upon how you utilize your time.
  2. You know that you have already lost the argument when you realize that it was your mistake.

May 07, 2018: Things I Learned Today:

  1. Some people's 20 minutes are equal to 1 hour.
  2. It feels satisfactory at evening when you know that you have studied enough throughout the day.
  3. That amazing moment when your partner is expecting you to get angry but you end up handling the issue with a smile.
  4. It feels good to share your knowledge and skills with others.

May 08, 2018: Things I Learned Today:

  1. The more you prepare, the more confident you become.
  2. It's not good poke our loved ones unnecessarily.
  3. That awkward moment when you are the reason of tears in the eyes of your loved ones.

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