May 09-11, 2018: Things I Learned Today - Rohit Sood

Anti-Social Media Challenge

Saturday, 12 May 2018

May 09-11, 2018: Things I Learned Today

May 08, 2018: Things I Learned Today:

  1. The more you prepare, the more confident you become.
  2. It's not good poke our loved ones unnecessarily.
  3. That awkward moment when you are the reason of tears in the eyes of your loved ones.

May 09, 2018: Things I Learned Today:

  1. That amazing moment when you take an exclusive decision in order to bring the best outcome.
  2. It feels awesome when you take a memorable nap with your closed ones even though they are far away from you.
  3. Taking the right decision is more important than communicating that decision to everyone around.
  4. It is important to learn an art of quick decision making.

May 10, 2018: Things I Learned Today:

  1. A small issue may turn into a big one if you keep pointing it out.
  2. We must not raise so many complaints to our loved ones that they begin to think of changing themselves altogether.

May 11, 2018: Things I Learned Today:

  1. Lack of preparation brings us into a situation when we begin to think that we only need to get through and are not concerned with scoring the best.
  2. That amazing moment when you try something really different and you are appreciated by your partner for the same. (P.S. Picking up)

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