May 17-21, 2018: The Most Critical Week - Rohit Sood

Anti-Social Media Challenge

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

May 17-21, 2018: The Most Critical Week

May 17, 2018: Things I Learned Today:

  1. When you begin to appreciate the good in the person you love, the positivity in relationship multiplies.
  2. I must really learn to let go of some negative situations.
  3. Sometimes, there is no issue but just a query. I must learn the difference.
  4. That amazing moment when your partner obeys you and buys a healthy meal for herself. (P.S. 3 Chapatis with Okra)

May 18, 2018: Things I Learned Today:

  1. You shouldn't show off yourself to anyone. (Lesson Credits: Roli)
  2. It feels amazing when your loved ones automatically changes their mood to joyous feeling from anger, just after listening to a good news. (P.S. Placement Day Information)
  3. You must not give up on your dreams no matter who or how many people support you. (Lesson Credits: Movie: Padman)
  4. That amazing moment when your partner appreciates you for all the good deeds you have done for them for their success. (P.S. An evernote to appreciate the efforts for exams)

May 19, 2018: Things I Learned Today:

  1. That one moment when you are unable to sleep until you are certain that your partner has slept properly. (P.S. No proper sleep with a thought of her headache)
  2. "Tu karta wahi hai, jo tu chahta. Par hota wahi hai, jo main chahta hoon. Tu Kar woh, jo main chahta hoon, Fer Hoga Woh, Jo Tu Chahta Hai". (Lesson Credits: Sanjay Jindhal Sir)
  3. Read as much as you can. (Lesson Credits: Sanjay Modi Sir)
  4. Learn at least one thing every day. (Lesson Credits: Loviraj Gupta Sir)
  5. That amazing moment when you visit library with the person with whom you have been willing to go for a long time.
  6. That amazing moment when your cuddling cures the headache of some special beings.
  7. That one moment when your partner promises that they will never repeat the same mistakes.
  8. It feels amazing to see your partner buying a fruit for herself. (P.S. An Apple)
  9. That one moment when she said, "I miss those days when you used to complete your assignments sitting in the discussion room and I used to meet you between two classes." (P.S. I will always remember this day)

May 20, 2018: Things I Learned Today:

  1. That one moment when you begin study 2 days before the exam due to the encouragement of your partner.
  2. That amazing moment when you continue to study late night so that you can get to sleep at the same time your partner would sleep.

May 21, 2018: Joining Date Is Out:

  1. That awkward moment when you see anger in the eyes of a person you love.
  2. It feels strange to see people making so many selfish attempts to win the battle in their favor. (P.S. Further Studies)
  3. Don't give that pain to anyone which you can't bear for yourself.
  4. To make everything normal, I must follow the instructions provided by her.
  5. That awkward moment when your every word begins to hurt someone.

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