Happy Birthday Jim Carrey - Rohit Sood

Anti-Social Media Challenge

Sunday, 17 January 2021


Happy Birthday Jim Carrey



Dear Jim Carrey,

I may not be the first person to wish you on your birthday but anyways, my wish won’t reach you either, so technically, it doesn’t matter when I wish you.

You may not have heard of me ever or may be never will, yet, you are someone who was there to be the silver lining for me when I used to think so inferior of myself someway. Of course, now you may say that how could you have any impact on me if I haven’t met you personally.

Well! Undoubtedly, you can now imagine, if your work could inspire me to a great extent, how much influence you will have on me if I ever get a chance to meet you.

Yeah! That’s true that on everyday of you and Mr. Adam Sandler @adamsandler , I always wish both of you on your respective birthdays. And I feel so happy to express my regards towards you both, here through these platforms because you both have inspired me to a great extent.

I am really grateful for all the work you do and the way you led your life.

I hereby wish you a very Happy Birthday 🥳

Many Many Happy Returns Of The Day 🎉


Your Random Fan,

Rohit Sood

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