Thank You, Yes. YOU. - Rohit Sood

Anti-Social Media Challenge

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Thank You, Yes. YOU.

Thank You, Yes. YOU.

Read further to know how.
Finally the day has come for which I was waiting for.
I don't know from where to start thanking the ones who made my life what it is. However, there is a saying, "When you don't know from where to start, Just Start."
This one day is still not enough to thank all of you who made my life beautiful in one way or the other.
Thank you, my Mother and Father for whatever I have and whatever I have become.
Thank you, my nursery Teachers who set the foundation for whatever I learned in my life.
Thank you Failure, You become came the building block of my success.
Thank you all the teachers who have come across my life and taught me numerous lessons.
Thank you Sourav Kohli for you used to give me your sweet dish in 6th standard.
Thank you Ak Chawla Mam, Balwinder Sir and Bhavana Singh Chawla Didi for teaching me the values of study.

Thank you First Love for you became an inspiration to me for every now and then.
Thank you Sukh Deep Basra, Nitish Kumar, Rohan Ohri, Sahil Singh Bhatoa, Chitsimran for you guys made my journey of Convent School way too easy as otherwise it would have been very difficult.
Thank you Convent batch mates for helping me to realize the need of making myself better.
Thank you Sakshi Sharma for encouraging me in 7th standard to push my boundaries.
Thank you Nitish Kumar once again for giving me wonderful tips to help me score well in 10th Board.
Thank you Balwinder Singh Chawla Sir once again for giving me courage to choose Mathematics as my subject in 11th.
Thank you Kiran Mam, Had you not recommended my name for the prefectorial elections, I would not have come out of my comfort zone and became the Vice Captain of school.
Thank you Chetan Ahuja for always staying by my side in the journey of KNPS.
Thank you Bharti and Gurpreet Kaur for you have always been my best friend and making my KNPS journey memorable.
Thank you Megha Didi, Natasha Didi and Ruchi Didi for teaching me with so much enthusiasm and love like a family member.
Thank you Abhishek Romley for always been there throughout my journey of KNPS.
Thank you Manjinder Mam, Annu Mam for teaching me to your full capacity.
Thank you Dimple Gupta for always being so much special friend to me in every manner and for teaching me the true meaning of friendship.
Thank You Big Brother Mohit Sood for always been there with me in every step I took in life and for always understanding all my needs & requirements and fulfilling them to your utmost abilities.
Thank You LPU in every way to make me what I am today.
Thank you Gautam Singh for always being the best friend not just in LPU but always since we became friends.
Thank you all graduation Batch mates for providing me diversified experiences.
Well Thank You LPU NSS and all volunteers of the family.
Thank you Ashok Sir for always solving many issues with a smile and especially for allowing me to be a part of NSS Winter Camp 2016.
Thank you Gurjot Sir, Gagan Sir, Suruchi Mam, Abhay Sir, Rupinder Mam, Lalit Sir, Sukhpreet Mam, and all 36+ teachers who gave so much of immense lessons that conspired me to become a real Verto.
Thank you Concentrix and all my colleagues especially.
Thank you Vinay Swami, Ankit Arora, Mo Ni KA Aftab and Sushmita Jaiswal for always being my friend when I was in delhi.
Thank you MBA batch mates.
Thank you Gursimar, Shubhraj Sadyora and Shubham Kumar Agrahari for always giving me respect to your full extent.
Thank you Sagar Sahu for helping me to take steps towards my dreams as if they were yours.
Thank you Chandraa Kant Saahu.
Thank you Harkamal for encouraging me to pursue my dreams along with an action plan.
Thank you Tanya Nagpal Mam, Minakshi Mam, Likhit sir Guneetpaul sir for making my first semester full of wisdom.
Thank you Guneetpaul Sir once again for your Thanksgiving Gift "Parker Pen"
Thank You Mohit Bro once again for your Thanksgiving Gift "Samsung Galaxy J7"
Thank you Keshav for always being a well wisher and silent carer in one way or the other.
Thank you Lettrs and all its staff & other Lettrists for always encouraging me to write more and more.
Thank you Kőmäľ, Jyoti Bisla, Ahmad Sina Sabawoon, Mukul Aggarawal for always keeping a smile on my face with one way or the other.
Thank you all my Facebook Friends.
Thank you LinkedIn Friends.
Thank you all the readers who read my posts and articles but about whom I am unaware about.
Even after all the above, I have missed anybody to tag or mention, I hereby Thank YOU whosoever is reading this post for not only reading it but for that one special thing that you might have taught me.
Feel free to share your feelings for anyone in your life to whom you want to Thank.

Happy Thanks Giving Day Everyone.

Thank you for reading,
Rohit Sood.

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