January 27, 2017 - A Day Spent Fighting With The Disease. - Rohit Sood

Anti-Social Media Challenge

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

January 27, 2017 - A Day Spent Fighting With The Disease.

A Day Spent Fighting With The Disease.

#Things_I_Learned_Today  (January 27, 2017):-
- You shouldn't speak of your pain in detail to others. There is no point in making people to show pity on you.
- That awesome moment when you do the right thing.
- Sometimes, it's better to stay quiet or at least to speak in a polite manner.

Things I Learned From Guneetpaul Singh Sir:-
- Never run away from your difficulties.
- Be ready to fail.
- Stop finding shortcuts in your life.

Things I Learned From Supernova Mam:-
- Smartphone is a smartphone only when you are smart enough to use it wisely.
- Use Facebook, LinkedIn wisely.
- Take a lesson from everywhere possible, that's how you will excel in life.
Stay Down To Earth. (P.S. Story of Mr. A.K. Rao shared by Supernova Mam.)

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