Here Comes January 2019 - Rohit Sood

Anti-Social Media Challenge

Sunday, 13 January 2019

Here Comes January 2019

January 01, 2019:
  1. The new beginning of the year gives us an opportunity
January 02, 2019:
  1. Happiness is not what you get from the pleasure, the real happiness exists in satisfaction which comes after doing some work.
January 03, 2019:
  1. You may not be best at what you do but still it is important to do it because that needs to be done by you only.
January 04, 2019:
  1. People may begin to judge you in wrong manner but still what matters the most is that you must see the good in yourself and multiply it with your positive nature.
January 05, 2019:
  1. I am done with procrastination, now I can clearly see the picture of my dreams and the ways of making them a reality.
January 06, 2019:
  1. Life has given me multiple chances to grow and correct my mistakes but what matters the most is how much I have learned from them.
January 07, 2019:
  1. Isn't it amazing how Life has a funny way of making us realize what is right for us.
January 08, 2019:
  1. Finally it's the high time to make everything right and do what I am meant to do.
January 09, 2019:
  1. I have learned many lessons, some I forgot, few I applied in my life and many I relearned again.
January 10, 2019:
  1. No matter how much bad ways you have chosen in your life, once you decide to be a better person, you will definitely experience positive results.
January 11, 2019:
  1. It doesn't matter how much you learn from your passion rather how much enthusiasm you have for it.
January 12, 2019:
  1. That amazing moment when you begin to work on your second book.
January 13, 2019:

  1. It is very important to control your mind instead of letting it to control you.

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